List of Greek Dialects & Authors (for wiktionary)

PROPOSED by Erutuon here:
... It might also be helpful to have a page that lists the dialects, the writers who use them, and the regions and time periods in which the dialects used or appeared in inscriptions. — [[User:Erutuon|Eru]]·[[User talk:Erutuon|tuon]] 22:33, 16 December 2017 (UTC)

DRAFT#4 by [[User:Sarri.greek]]: 2017.12.20.-2018.01.05.
Authors (with dates, lang, dialect) as in en.wiktionary. Useful for quotations, citations.
{Could apply to other languages too. Here I only give an example of how i image it.}
periods of greek language
list of greek languages/dialects
list of authors
list of author-abbreviations by script
list of other abbreviations

PERIODS-DIAGRAMME for greek languages: 1
abbr: hel. [code: grk] (for familiy of hellenic languages)
[[[DRAFT - unchecked dates]]]
(period-breaks are sketchy? approximate)
ancient period:
c. 1600–1100 BCE [[Mycenaean]]
non-alphabetic script:Linear B. Inscriptions. No literature.
c. 800–300 BCE Ancient Greek
Greek alphabet script, capital letters
Main dialects: [[Attic]], [[Ionic]], [[Aeolic]], [[Doric]].
c. 300 BCE – 330 CE [[hellenistic]] [[Koine]] ([[Κοινή]] = common)
Simplifications to Ancient Greek
The New Testament language.
middle times
c. 330 - 600: late Koine.
[[minusculae]] letters, [[polytonic]] script.
c. 600–1453 Medieval or '[[Byzantine]]'
Further simplifications. Synchronically used, [[atticistic]] style in literature.
new times
Since 1453:
Late Medieval/Byzantine
Modern Greek
[[Katharevousa]] versus [[Demotic]] Greek
Since 1976: Demotic Standard Modern Greek/Neo-Hellenic. Since 1982: [[monotonic]] script.

====A...Z greek languages, dialects====
{links to}
NOTE on Ancient Greek dialects: they did not appear only as geographical varieties, but were also used for specific literature genres, regardless of their author's native dialect.
Model (Ελληνικά) abbr: mod. [code: mod.]
lang: Xxxx. (dialect group: Xxxx) dialect: Xxxx. period: xxxx. (dates) region(s): Xxxx.
main authors/texts:
(also see:)
[[Aeolic]] (Αιολική) dialect. abbr: aeol. [code: grc-aio]
lang: Ancient Greek. dialect: Aeolic. period: ancient (). region: islands, Thessaly (central Greece)
divisions: ...
genres: Lyric poety. Elements in [[Epic]].
main authors: cf. [[#lesbian|Lesbian]] dialect.
[[Attic]] (Αττική) abbr: att. [code: grc-att]
lang: Ancient Greek. dialect: Attic. period: ancient (dates). region: Athens, Attica
usage: Ancient classic rhetory, philosophy, history. Dialogue parts of drama. Atticistic style in future centuries.
main authors: [[#Thucydides]], Plato. orators, ...
[[Demotic]] (Δημοτική) language. (abbr: dem) [code:-- (see el)]
lang: Modern Greek. dialect: folk, later standard. period: new times. region: Greece, Cyprus.
main authors/texts: folk poetry (dem with idioms).
[[Doric]] (Δωρική) abbr: dor. [code: grc-dor.]
lang: Ancient Greek. dialect group: NorthWest. dialect: Doric. period: ancient (c. 800–100 BCE). region: Sparta, [[Lacedaemon]] (southern Greece)
usage: Poetry, in choric parts of drama. poetry.
main authors: Lyric poets: Pindar. Dramatists (in choric parts).
[[Katharevousa]] Καθαρεύουσα (adj.f. to 'language') = eng: purist, purifying. abbr:kath [code: ?]
lang: Modern Greek. dialect: constructed, prescribed. period: new times. (1800s-1976) region: Greece.
usage: official status until 1976. Antagonistic to people's natural [[#dem|Demotic]].
main authors: Calvos (kath). Papadiamantis (kath, plus dem. idiom of his native island Skiathos).
[[Koine]] Κοινή (adj.f. to 'language') = eng: common. abbr:koi [code:koi]
lang: Ancient Greek. dialect: Koine: period: ancient, hellenistic (c. 300 BCE – 330 CE). region: mediterranean word. Mainly: Alexandria, Aegypt.
divisions: 1st CE: Early Koine (mainly in Alexandria. called:'Egyptian' Koine). 4th CE: Late Koine: widespread use
1st CE: main authors/texts: late ancient greeks (e.g. XXXXXX) , imperial Roman times: (Marcus Aurelius, XXXX)
4th CE: main authors/texts: the language of New Testament
[[Lesbian]]. abbr:lesb. [code: ]
lang: Ancient Greek. dialect group: [#aeol|Aeolic]. dialcect: Lesbian. period: ancient () region: island of Lesbos (Λέσβος) also called Mitylene (Μιτυλήνη).
main authors: the lyric poets Sappho, Alcaeos.
Modern Greek. endonym: ελληνική (γλώσσα): greek (language). abbr:mod. [code: el]
lang: Modern Greek/Standard Modern Greek. dialect: standard, official. period: new times. (1453-today) region: Greece, Cyprus.
divisions: [[#kat|Katharevousa]], [[#dem|Demotic]], Standard Modern Greek (unofficial as Demotic, official since 1976)
usage: script: polytonic pre 1982, monotonic post 1982.
main authors: cf. [[#kat|Katharevousa]], [[#dem|Demotic]] Solomos (dem). Kazantzakis (dem with idioms), Seferis, Elytis.

====A...Z List of authors & their works====
NOTE on Ancient Greek dialects: they did not appear only as geographical varieties, but were also used for specific literature genres, regardless of their author's native dialect.
ModelNameLinkedWkpdia = OriginalName (LatinName) (dates) (characteristic if needed)
lang: Xxx. (mother tongue:) dialect: Xxx. (region: Xxx) genre: Xxx.
(+abbr. of works:)
(comments/links wikisource)
Adrianus = Adrianus, emperor cf. [[#Hadrianus]]
Adrianus2 = (dates?) historian (Adrianus historicus)
lang: Ancient greek: dialect:? genre:?
abbr: Adrian?
as in [[DGE]] [ A-abbreviations] {they have no id}
Adrianos = gre: Ἀδριανός (Adrianos). eng:Adrian (2nd century CE) orator
lang: Ancient Greek. dialect: [[#koin|Koine]]. period: hellenistic. region: ? genre: prose, rhetory.
info: [are Adrianus historicus and this Ἀδριανός identical?]
abbr: Adrian.
Aeschylus = gre: Αἰσχύλος. lat: Aeschylus. (c.523-c.456 BCE). dramatist, tragic
lang: Ancient greek. dialect: [[#att}Attic]], +[[#dor|Doric]]. period: ancient. region: Athens, Attica. genre: drama, tragedy.
info: [[w:Aeschylus|wikipedia]], texts.orig: el.wikisource. trans.eng:[[wkt:Author:Aeschylus|en.wikisouce]] wikiquote ... Glossary: .... Orestia trilogy: Ag, Lib, Eum.
abbr: {CHOOSE from this documentation:}
abbr: [[#Aesch]] as in : [[#LS]] {this is in english}
		•Aesch. Ag.: Aeschylus, Agamemnon
		•Aesch. Eum.: Aeschylus, Eumenides
		•Aesch. Lib.: Aeschylus, Libation Bearers
		•Aesch. PB: Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
		•Aesch. Pers.: Aeschylus, Persians
		•Aesch. Seven: Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes
		•Aesch. Supp.: Aeschylus, Suppliant Maidens
	abbr: A. as in [[#DGE]] [ A.]] {this is in latin}
		Aeschylus tragicus 
			A. = Agamemnon. 
			Ch. = Choephori. [Libation Bearers]
			Eu. = Eumenides. 
			Pers. = Persae. [Persians]
			Pr. = Prometheus uinctus. [Prometheus Bound]
			Supp. = Supplices. [Suppliant Maidens]
			Th. = Septem contra Thebas. [Seven against Thebes]
			Eleg. = Fragmenta elegiaca. [elegiac fragments]
			Epigr. = Epigrammata. [epigrammes]
Aeschylus Alexandreus? = gre: Αἰσχύλος Ἀλεξανδρεύς. lat: ? eng: Aeschylus of Alexandria (2nd century CE) epic poet
lang: Ancient Greek. dialect: Koine? period: hellenistic. region: Alexandria, Aegypt. genre: poetry, epic.
info: [ en.wikipedia], [ el.wikipedia].
Aeschylus Alexandrinus = lat: Aeschylus Alexandrinus. gre: Αἰσχύλος Ἀλεξανδρινός. (?) tragic poet
[are Αἰσχύλος Ἀλεξανδρεύς & Αἰσχύλος Ἀλεξανδρινός identical?]
abbr: Aesch.Alex. as in [[#DGE]]: [ Aesch.Alex.]] Aeschylus Alexandrinus tragicus
Hadrianus = lat: Hadrianus. gre: Αδριανός. eng: Hadrian. (76-138 CE) emperor
lang: Ancient Greek (mother tongue: lat). dialect: Koine, imperial. period: 1st century CE. region: Rome. genre: epigramme.
info: Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus. [[w:Hadrian]] Roman. Wrote poetry in grc.
abbr: [[#Hadr.]]
as in [[#LS]]
as in [[#DGE]]: [ Hadr.] sources included. Hadrianus imperator epigrammaticus
works: epigramme.

====A...Z abbreviations of authors & their works: roman alphabet====

Adrian.		= [[#Adrianos]], orator 
Aesch.		= [[Aeschylus]], dramatist, tragic
Aesch.Al.		= [[#Aeschulus.Al|Aeschylus of Alexandria]], epic poet
Hadr.		= [[#Hadrianus]], emperor

====Α...Ω greek alphabet abbreviations of authors & their works====
	{The id at abbreviations are identical with sources' scripts + _gre e.g. id=Adr_gre}
	{but: sort the ID not the greek, especially not with diacritics)

Αδρ./Ἀδρ.	gre: Ἀδριανός (Αdrianos), emperor. cf. [[#Hadrianus]] Hadrian
Αδριαν./Ἀδριαν	gre: Ἀδριανός (Αdrianos), orator. cf. [[#Adrianos]]
Αἰσχ.		gre: Αἰσχύλος. dramatist cf. [[#Aeschylus]]
Αἰσχ. Ἀλ. 	gre: Αἰσχύλος Ἀλεξανδρινός, orator. cf [[#Aeschylus Alexandrinus]]
απ./ἀπ.		gre: ἀπoσπάσματα. lat: fragmenta. eng: fragments. cf. [[#frag]]
ελεγ/ἐλεγ.	gre: ελεγεία, ελεγειακός. cf. [[#eleg]] 

====A...Z other abbreviations====
iincludes abbreviations used in wiktionary, and explained nowhere (m f n p s) They should be at least: masc fem neu plur sing

eleg		lat: elegiacus. eng: elegy, elegiac. gre: ελεγεία, ελεγειακός
		poetry form
		lang: Ancient Greek. dialects: ... main authors: [[#Aesch_eleg]], ....
		[keywords: literature form elegy]
f		feminine
		[keywords: grammar gender feminine]
frag.		lat: fragmenta. eng: fragments.
		also, abbr.gre: [[#ap_gre|ἀπ.]]
		authors: [[Aesch_frag]]	
		[keywords: philology ancient surviving]
p		plural
		[keywords: grammar number plural]

the meaning of english and greek words differ:
[[ιδίωμα]] = refers to dialects with few differences (mainly pronunciation, vocabulary) from standard lang. mutually intelligible,
[[idiom]] = phrase or an expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. Categorized as formulaic language
[[διάλεκτος]] = morphological variety of a lang (usually geographic) {very diff from standaρd. one needs translator. for the idiom, not}
[[dialect]] = a variety of a language that is a characteristic of a particular group
wikipedia articles on ancient greek dialects say nothing about their usage in literature, or any poets.
1. sources for periodologesis/περιοδολόγηση:
the [[I.P.A.]] outlook for ancient greek pronunciations at en.wiktionary (example: [[Ἑλλάς]])
hellenic languages @wiktionary
Ancient Greek#divisions@wiktionary
Kopidakis (ed.). Ιστορία της ελληνικής γλώσσας • Istoria tis ellinikis glossas [History of the Greek language]. 3rd ed. Athens: ELIA, 2000. 1st ed: 1999. lang:gre.
2. sources for dialects
Greek language @wikipedia
Ancient Greek Dialects @wikipedia
Christides, A.F. (ed.). History of Hellenic Language from the beginning to later antiquity. 1st ed. Thessaloniki: Centre for the Greek Language, 2001. lang:gre.
Translated in english: @googlebooks Cambridge University Press, 2007.
3. sources for Authors-Abbreviations
R:Dimitrakos 1964 lang:greek. @scribd or @projethomere
R:DGE Lists lang:eng. (authors, papyri, inscriptions, abbr. Sources included.)
{excellent lists, all we have to do, is to put dates and dialects. They use standardized latin.}
R:Kriaras Medieval Intro:Abbr lang:greek.
R:Liddel-Scott abbreviation page @perseus {no dates, no dialects. They use standardized eng, but not lat}
LS.epitome, el, online (LS translated in modern greek) {with onmouse-over explanations of Abbr, in greek}

katerina sarri, 2018.01.06.